
Aging is inevitable but healthy aging is an option. These simple Do's and Don'ts for healthy aging will help you make better choices now in your 40's and 50's for a healthier 60's and 70's.
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All forms of yoga offer benefits in flexibility, balance and mental clarity, but power yoga can also offer some excellent strength building. Holding poses and using body weight for resistance is beneficial in building strength which in turn slows age related muscles loss (sarcopenia). This loss begins in our 30s and 40s and continues as we age, making even more valuable the restorative and muscle building benefits of workouts like yoga.
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Maintain your muscles and your happiness. Get stronger and happier as you age.
It turns out, there’s more value to strength training as you get older than muscle maintenance. Strength training leads to feeling fitter, increasing muscle mass, improving mobility, greater balance and more energy – all which helps you live your best life.

Getting enough protein throughout the day to maintain muscle mass can be difficult, but never more so than at breakfast – unless you choose one of these 6 fast protein breakfast ideas! Add a glass of REJUVENATE essential amino acids and your muscles will thank you!
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We can’t stop the aging process but there is a lot you can do to enjoy healthy aging. If you begin with these five healthy habits, you can actually slow some of the aging processes and live your best life...
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