Packaging Benefits


The Rejuvenate Research & Development Team is a robust group of industry experts who came together to build an unrivalled adult nutrition brand.

Our premium formulas are designed to help everyday individuals supplement their diet, accelerate recovery after injury, and achieve independence & mobility.

To ensure the highest quality of our supplements, we knew that we had to do everything in our power to preserve the integrity of our formulas. To do so, our packaging needed to be better than what’s commonly available. 

Unfortunately, there’s a not-so-well-known issue with standard, plastic bottles and the harsh reality is that the formulas within them start to degrade as soon as they’re made.


Here’s the secret our competitors don’t want you to know: 

Standard, plastic bottles are porous and allow for greater volumes of oxygen and moisture to seep inside. 

As air and water interact with the formulas, they begin to oxidize and/or harden (depending on the ingredients). Essentially, the potency and quality of the formulas and even flavouring – diminish. 

To be fair (and transparent), there’s a reason why these bottles must be porous. If they weren’t – they could implode. 

You see, when standard, plastic bottles are shipped and there’s a change in altitude, pressure can cause them to “collapse”. As a result, they will appear dented or misshaped and are no longer merchandisable. 

While the plastic container and cap are porous, the best way to avoid implosion, is to allow the bottles to “breathe” even more by perforating the inner seal. However, the cost of doing so can affect the overall quality of the formula and flavouring.


With our industry leading team, we recognized the issue that currently plagues the quality of sports nutrition formulas and we knew we had to correct the problem. 

After countless hours of working with potential packaging companies, numerous design concepts, and a considerable amount of internal debate, we developed our NEW custom-made, premium, flexible packaging.

Our NEW flexible packaging overcomes the shortcomings of standard, plastic bottles.

The higher density material we employ has considerably much lower oxygen and moisture vapor transmission rates when compared to standard HDPE and PET plastic bottles commonly used by other sports nutrition companies.

Once the contents of our formulas have been transferred into our premium packaging, they are heat sealed. This creates a virtually impenetrable barrier for air and/or moisture to enter. Essentially, this helps to prevent formula degradation and to lock in freshness. 

What’s more, due to the flexible design, our packaging will not implode like standard, plastic bottles when subjected to changes in altitude. 

Plus, our premium packaging helps limit headspace, which is the empty space between the top of the powder and heat seal. Less space equals less oxygen inside the package (more on this in a bit).

Best of all, our NEW flexible packaging minimizes our environmental footprint as the products take up less space. 

With the above said, we will be rolling out our NEW flexible packaging to all our powdered products over the next while.


Even with a decrease in headspace, we wanted to ensure that we dealt with the oxygen locked inside once the packaging was heat sealed. 

That’s why we include a pharmaceutical-grade oxygen absorber within our NEW premium flexible packaging.

Essentially, our pharmaceutical-grade oxygen absorbers help vacuum seal our sports nutrition supplements from the inside.

These high-quality oxygen absorbers help decrease the rate of oxidative degradation. While also managing headspace humidity to further reduce degradation.

In fact, the absorption performance of our pharmaceutical-grade oxygen absorber has been shown to be 5 times superior to other oxygen absorbers.


The Rejuvenate Research & Development Team has set new standards for product quality to ensure the integrity of our high-quality formulas and flavouring, but don’t just take our word for it. 

We invite you to try our products and experience firsthand the difference our NEW flexible packaging can make!

When you open a Rejuvenate Immune Health product, you’ll be treated to the pleasing aroma of our mouth-watering flavour.

We stand behind our products and ensure the highest quality of adult nutrition supplements for one simple reason: 

We use them too and we wouldn’t ask you to take anything that we wouldn’t proudly take ourselves.

Buy Now!

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